Section 26 progress
Good progress on section 26. Every parts and skins is now primed and most of the structures are finished. Next now is to rivet everything together. Total time spent so far is 54 hours.
Etching in progress with happy wife😁 |
First bunch of parts sprayed. |
Baggage ribs. |
Aft center section ribs. |
This is called Crotch Strap Assembly. |
Both Crotch Strap Assemblies completed. |
The outboard seat and baggage ribs has to be fluted because it's curved. Quite easy as long as the instruction are followed (start in front). |
Start of section 26-07. |
Peeling the plastic from the bottom skin. A broomstick works very well. |
This cut out is for the main undercarriage leg. |
Etching. |
Dimpling of the center bottom skin. |
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