Section 26 progress

Good progress on section 26. Every parts and skins is now primed and most of the structures are finished. Next now is to rivet everything together. Total time spent so far is 54 hours.

Etching in progress with happy wife😁 

First bunch of parts sprayed.

Baggage ribs.

Aft center section ribs.

This is called Crotch Strap Assembly.

Both Crotch Strap Assemblies completed.

The outboard seat and baggage ribs has to be fluted because it's curved.
 Quite easy as long as the instruction are followed (start in front).

Start of section 26-07. 

Section 26-07 to 26-09 completed.
PS! It's important that the two out most ribs (F-01415) are clecoed
correctly on the F-01404 bulkhead (inside of it). It might
be difficult to fix later. This was something I read on another
blog, and found that I had done it wrong initially.

Peeling the plastic from the bottom skin. A broomstick works
very well.

I had the center bottom skin initially turned up-side down as I believed it was symmetrically. And I can not
find any place in the documentation that warn you to orient the skin correctly.
 I didn't notice that until after enlarging the hole for the brake line. As I turned it over and
re-attached the F-01483-L/R skins, there was a slight misalignment between the enlarged hole in
the F-01483 and F-01484 skins. It was fixed by adjusting the hole in the F-01484, which lays underneath F-01483,
so the hole will appear circular from the outside.
This cut out is for the main undercarriage leg.


Dimpling of the center bottom skin.
