Section 26 completed
Today the last rivet on the mid fuselage lower structure was set. Total time 74 hours + 4-5 hours riveting and etching help. All done😀 Quite many rivets on the skin, but with good help (wife) it went smooth. The holes on the blue tape and above will be set when the tail cone i joined. Back riveting with my new long back rivet set ( Cleaveland ). It's easier with a long set to keep it perpendicular to the part. Some new tools and supplies arrived from Aircraft Spruce. Tank sealant (for next section), more etching fluid, park brake valve, wire stripper, thread sealant, tool (pliers) for clamp installation +++ This tools is for installation of washer in tight spots I attached the whole structure to a ramp. Worked out very well during rivet bucking. Sub-structures ready to be attached. As had to wait to get bucking help, I started on the section 27-Firewall.