Rudder completed and horizontal stabilizer primed
The rudder is now completed after that the tape for the trailing edge finally arrived. Priming of the structure parts on the horizontal stabilizer i also done. The skins will not be primed before next weekend due work.
Right and left skin joined. |
The lower aft rivets are on a tight space, and the trailing edge has to be peeled slightly. It's important to do the aft rivets in the skin at the 07-10 step 2. The manual is not 100% clear on this. |
The counter weight in place. |
Trailing edge complete! Less than 1 mm deviation alongside😀 |
The back side (shop side) turned out very nice using the pneumatic squeezer with the modified set from Cleaveland. |
Leading edge rolled. I managed to do a blunder setting 7 rivets of the wrong type😣 They were a bit hard to remove, but I managed it in the end. |
The rudder! |
Horizontal stabilizer
A pile of parts for the horizontal stabilizer ready to be etched and primed. |
This is my new 3M Accuspray gun. It didn't work at all😖. The paint didn't atomize into small enough particles. I tried with both a 1.8 and 1.4 nozzle. I reverted to my old gun, and as I had made some "fixes" (brushing of some paint debris and tighten the nozzle properly) from last priming session, it worked very well this time. |
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