Rudder completed and horizontal stabilizer primed

The rudder is now completed after that the tape for the trailing edge finally arrived. Priming of the structure parts on the horizontal stabilizer i also done. The skins will not be primed before next weekend due work.


Right and left skin joined.

The lower aft rivets are on a tight space, and the trailing edge has to be peeled slightly.
It's important to do the aft rivets in the skin at the 07-10 step 2. The manual
is not 100% clear on this.

The counter weight in place.

Trailing edge complete! Less than 1 mm deviation alongside😀 

The back side (shop side) turned out very nice using
the pneumatic squeezer with the modified set from

Leading edge rolled. I managed to do a blunder setting
7 rivets of the wrong type😣 They were a bit hard to remove,
but I managed it in the end.
The rudder!

But I'm not 100% pleased. The curve is not following the
template on the lower section. I'll contact Vans support to get their
opinion. But anyway, I think it is possible to fix by applying some
pressure evenly by using a piece of wood and a hammer. Perhaps some heat also.

There is a height difference between the lower and the center section.
So I believe if I can press the lower section those 2 mm, bot the
curve and the height difference will be good. I'll have to
see next week end.

Horizontal stabilizer

A pile of parts for the horizontal stabilizer ready to be etched and primed.

All parts ready for priming. I've made a new arrangement
with a pvc tube and hooks to hinge the parts before priming
and to dry afterwards. This worked very well.
The two long spar were a bit difficult as they only
fitted diagonally. But I kept them outside the booth
until all other part were ready, and the brought in one
at the time.

This is my new 3M Accuspray gun. It didn't work at all😖.
The paint didn't atomize into small enough particles. I tried with both
a 1.8 and 1.4 nozzle. I reverted to my old gun, and as I had made some
"fixes" (brushing of some paint debris and tighten the nozzle properly) from last priming session,
it worked very well this time.
