
Showing posts from 2022

Move to the airport

 Time for the big move. It went very well without any trouble at all.

Paint progress

I have up on the Stewart System paint and switched to Mipa PU 240-90.  

Paint booth

The paint booth is now set up, and I primed the top cowling, empennage fairing and the oil door just to check that it's working. It does, but the outside temperature has been around 10-12C, so I have to use a propane heater. Next is to try the top coat on the same parts (Stewarts Systems EcoCrylic).

Tail fairing and final work

The empennage fairing had to be completed, so I did install all the tail surfaces and did the final adjustments.

More engine stuff - oil cooler, cowl baffle, air filter etc.

 After 2 weeks on holiday I proceeded with more engine related items. The backup alternator had to be installed. I decided to remove the right mag to get access to the difficult lower left bolt. At the same time I rotated the mag a bit more clockwise, to have access to the electrical connector on the mag. Also the oil cooler, air filter and baffle has ben completed. The backup alternator (B&C BC410-H) is a bit difficult to get attached because the nut on the lower left side is very difficult to get access to. Removing the mag made it easy.  The picture show after the mag is back in. The oil return tube had to be modified slightly to not interfere with the Snorkel.  The alternate air emergency door.

Gear leg and wheel fairings and oil door

Most of the fairing works is now done, and I'm leaving for 2 weeks holiday. When back I'll complete the rest of the work on the firewall forward and then start on the paint job. The paint should arrive in beginning of July, and the ventilation fan and filters about the same time. Oil door I decided to convert the oil door supplied,  to use a spring loaded  hinge with a Cessna latch.  I got the  hinge  and latch (KM610-64)  from Aircraft Spruce.