
Showing posts from January, 2020

Section 31 Fuel system completed

I've cheated a bit on this section as I had bought the fuel lines pre-fabricated from Aircraft Speciality (TS Flighlines)  (I have bought the whole cabin package with brake lines as well). It took me less than 10 hours to complete. The rigid lines more or less snapped in. I only had to do some minor adjustments.


I decided to put the fuselage on a rotisserie for easier access. I used two of these engine stands

Section 30 aft fuselage attachment complete

This was an exciting section were the forward and aft fuselage got joined together. It took about 23 hours, and  that included some preparation work for the yaw servo. The next section is now fuel system. But before that I'm going to build a rotisserie so I can rotate the fuselage as appropriate.  The result! I decided to attach the yaw autopilot servo attachment while it still was accessible. Some extra parts from a future section had to be prepared before adding the yaw servo attachment. I have fabricated the GA-35 GPS antenna bracket, ready to be attached to the aft fuselage top skin. New paint gun - Devilbiss FLG5. That was a new experience, and it was way much better than the 3M Accuspray I've used so far. 

Section 29 finished

Today I completed the last part of section 29. Only the fresh air vents remains, but those will be completed in section 35. Total time for section 29 ended on 118. Next up is the exiting aft fuselage join. Great to have completed this lengthy section😁 The fresh air vents is only prepared at this stage, and will be attached in section 35.

Good progress on section 29 (mid fuselage side structures)

All parts are prepared (deburred and primed), so it's mostly riveting work left to finish this long and comprehensive section. Next is aft fuselage attachment, and that will be exiting and a milestone. Picture from today. Most of the rivets set on the left side. The side skin was a bit long for my paint booth, so had to use the diagonal. Primed. Some parts are back riveted on before attaching to the fuselage. Mixing ChemSeal (1:10). The small cartridges  are bought from Aircraft Spruce but are intended to mix all at once. That gives a lot of waste, so I tried to mix it manually on my scale. It works great and eases the work were sealant is required.