
Showing posts from July, 2019

Slow progress on the aft fuselage

As I've been busy with the container, and also having some summer vacation, the building progress has been slow. But today I completed section 10-30 step 1 - dimpling of the top side skins . The side skin riveting is already complete. Next now is the attach all the nut plates, the rudder cable,  pitot static and UAT and ELT antenna cable. The rest of the wiring will be done later, as I will build my own harness and don't use the supplied ones. I'm preparing the wiring circuits in an spreadsheet, and will order wires as soon as I have an approx calculation of how much I need of the different types, sizes and colors. Nice weather today, so I moved outside.

Container finished

Furnishing the container took a lot longer time than anticipated, but it's now more or less completed with insulation, heating and ventilation. Only insulation of doors and ventilation for paint booth remains. I guess will need some shells as well when the fuselage and finish kit arrives. I've stored the VS, HS, rudder and elevator in the container.  The aft fuselage is just temporarily placed there to tidy the up the garage.

Fuselage and finish kit dispatched

The fuselage and finish kit is now dispatched from Vans and will arrive in Oslo 6th of September. So it should arrived at my home some day early in week 37. This is the confirmation I got: