Elevator is 97% finished!
The elevator is now basically complete. The only things remaining is to install the connector on the trim servo motor, fastening the tip lead weights and 4 mk-319-bs rivets that I'm short of. I will receive the Micro Molex crimping too l from Stein Air tomorrow, so that I can complete the servo motor wiring. Next I'm going to do as much as possible on the fairings (chapter 12) for the vertical stabilizer, rudder, horizontal stabilizer and elevator. I did have to extend the handles on the blind rivet tool be some square steel tubes (28x28mm). The extended handles made squeezing those aft rivets easy. The servo trim opening from the inside. I used two small 3 mm nuts to reach two rivets on the trim servo attachment assembly. I was a bit inattentive when setting the rivets on the left root gusset, so I got a small dent below the rivet head. I just worked it smooth with Scotch Brite pas and applied primer again. Riveting the front spar. Re...