First month of construction! Vertical stabilizer in progress
Suddenly one month has passed😊 The double sided tape ( 3M F9460PC ) was not in the shipment from Amazon on Tuesday, so I had to proceed with the horizontal stabilizer instead. But I was able to complete a few forward steps and prepare for riveting. The counterweight with the nutplate strip. This is the setup to rivet the trailing edge. I've prepared the tool from Cleaveland Aircraft Tool, by turning the set 180 degree. This tools is supposed to be used on the trailing edge of the elevator, but I've read that it can be used on the rudder as well. It looks good, but I haven't tested it yet. I've made some good progress on the vertical stabilizer (22 hours so far). It's a lot of deburring (and countersinking), and I'm constantly speculating on how to do this as efficiently as possible. So this time I tried out a few different approaches on how to reach the narrow spaces in the ribs, and came up with 3D printed disc to mount a 6" cut ...