Vertical Stabilizer - Part 1
I was finally ready to start building, and the natural part to start on (I guess everyone do that one first) is the vertical stabilizer. I've decided to use ATracker PRO to track time used on the different parts. So far I've used close to 14 hours. All parts are now primed. Dimpling and riveting remains. Attaching the reinforcement plate to the front spar. The rear spar, doubler and hinges match drilled. Fluting is necessary to get the bar holes aligned. The whole VS framework clecoed together. All the ribs are fluted and flanges are adjusted to fit nicely. Everything clecoed together. Etching and priming All parts deburred and ready for etching. Note that I taped the holes in the skin to avoid that the etch would flow through to the outside. Etching the skin. I just sprayed the etch on and lightly scrubbed with the scotch brite. The skin is ready. I decided to do that one last after all the substructure parts. A...