
Showing posts from 2021

Engine, instrument panel, flap cowl, fire extinguisher, wheels and SB-00027

The engine has finally arrived at Vans Aircraft and is awaiting crating together with the propeller and remaining part of the FWF (Firewall Forward) kit. I don't know when that will happen, but hopefully within a couple of weeks. So I don't expect it to arrive before March. Otherwise a lot small projects has been going on. The instrument panel has been painted, but I had to give up on the Decalpro FX system ( because is was to difficult to get consistent results. So I've ordered dry transfer from Hopefully it will work out better so I can complete the instrument panel. This is the exit door (cowl flap) that is a part of the EXP119 engine enhancement project. The fire extinguisher (A620T) mounted on the "Power Module kit". I've started to prepare the landing gear, and that involves assembling the wheels. This is the gear brace where the gear leg will be attached to. Service bulletin ...


Long time since last update, but I'm been busy with the avionic. All the avionics arrived in July, and I've worked on physical installation and wiring since. It's has been a lot more work than anticipated. Below are some pictures. This is how it looks now before painting (black matte). The equipment is from left to right: G5, G3X GDU 460 (PFD), KN-64 (DME), GMC 507 Autopilot Panel, GTN 650Xi (GPS, NAV/COM), GNC 255 (COM2/NAV2), GMA-245 (Audio Panel), G3X GDU 460 (MFD), EIC (Electronic Ignition Commander). Behind the panel: Vertical Power PRO, TCW Backup Battery, GAD 27, GEA 24. All Garmin stuff arrived from PowerEdge. First trial fit of all units. I decided to change to another types of switches. GEA 24(Engine Analyzer) to the left  and GAD 27 to the right. Finally done. The EarthX is smaller and a bit deeper than the standard box, a so I 3D printed a "shim".

Seats and interior arrived

  The interior arrived from  Lemke Autosattlerei & Möbelpolstere, and I'm very satisfied with the result and their work. Below is some pictures, but the parts are only loosely fitted. The console in the middle will be covered with the same material as the side walls.

Wings done

Today I finished the landing light and lens installation, and will then declare the wings done. There are of course minor things remaining but they will be done after paint and after the wing are attached to the fuselage. Aero LED landing light. They works😊 I decided to let the left side til 3 degree downwards and slightly inboards towards the fuselage. So that will be the landing light. This is the wing root filter kit from Aircaft Speciality.  It requires a new dimpled hole for an adel clamp. The right side wing tip had a bulk that had to be fixed. For now the wingtips are sanded and partially primed to fix some flaws. The VOR/LOC/GS antenna is fixed partially with two screws and glue/RTV. I have one antenna in each wingtip. Nav and strobe light lens. It took a while to get it snug. The aileron line up nicely with the tip on both sides.

Section 20 Bottom Wing Skin complete

The last part of this section was to rivet the win skin to spar and ribs. This was very demanding work. But as usual, it's starts out very difficult and becomes easier as one get the hang on it. All was done solo😎 Total time for this section was 80 hours including skin preparation, aileron and flap fairing, pitot mast installation, and skin riveting.  Left side. It's shiny😁 Right side. To get better access I raised the whole wing cradle by approx. 50 cm (20 inch.) The start. Right side. I struggled a lot to set the rivets on the rear spar (top in the picture) in the beginning. So I decided to uncleco the J channel in the middle to get better access while doing the rear spar and the two rows on the rib. I used my Vividia inspection camera together with an iPad to check rivets. This was very handy. I made myself a little work table for the rivet gun, rivets etc. The outboard large skin is ready.