Engine, instrument panel, flap cowl, fire extinguisher, wheels and SB-00027
The engine has finally arrived at Vans Aircraft and is awaiting crating together with the propeller and remaining part of the FWF (Firewall Forward) kit. I don't know when that will happen, but hopefully within a couple of weeks. So I don't expect it to arrive before March. Otherwise a lot small projects has been going on. The instrument panel has been painted, but I had to give up on the Decalpro FX system (https://decalprofx.com/) because is was to difficult to get consistent results. So I've ordered dry transfer from https://modelshop.co.uk/Static/WorkShop/Dry-Transfers. Hopefully it will work out better so I can complete the instrument panel. This is the exit door (cowl flap) that is a part of the EXP119 engine enhancement project. The fire extinguisher (A620T) mounted on the "Power Module kit". I've started to prepare the landing gear, and that involves assembling the wheels. This is the gear brace where the gear leg will be attached to. Service bulletin ...