
Showing posts from August, 2020

Electrical wiring

 All fuselage wiring is now done. Only exception is the COAX to the right wing nav antenna. That one will go all the way and not through the wing root connector. So I will install that at at later stage, so I don't have a large loop of coax hanging in the right wing root area. It took more time than anticipated, but at the same time i updated and amended the documentation in a spreadsheet. Also a bit of research had to be done and things had to be decided. It gets very crowded in the keel. This is the the 2 coax for the GPS antennas. The left forward is the GA-35 for the GTN 650, and the right one is GA-57X for the G3X. This is the stick cable. I used 2 pc. 4 wire shielded cable for each stick. The shield is not necessary, but it was convenient to use the shield as one "wire". I then have a total of 10 wires to each stick. Trim up/down/left/right, PTT (push to talk), AP disconnect, Flap up/down, pluss to wires for common gnd. I can use the 2 common to individually disconn...